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Celebrating Savannah

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”
Josh Billings


I still remember the first time I went to my husbands (then new boyfriend) and him and his buddy had, I think it was like 6 dogs in their house. I was a little overwhelming, but not by the fact that there was so many dogs, but that they were all pit bulls! Yes, that dog that almost everyone fears, just because of it’s reputation. Now I am not going to get all into the politics of pits and if they are bad or not. Leave that to your imagination. This is my story!  I had NEVER been around a pit bull, until I first went to my husbands house. I was so scared… I was one of “those” people who really knew nothing about these dogs. It was so terrible, they jumped on me and licked me to death… they were screaming for attention from this new person in the house!!!!!

It was then just a few short weeks later, I took Kendra over there. This kid loves animals and well at this age (4yrs old) would love the crap out of them!!! So here we go, I take her over there… still kind of nervous. Here she is, hanging over this half door they had, it was separating the room. There was no stopping this kid… as soon as we walked in the house, she sniffed those puppies out. 🙂 Hanging over that door talking to them, petting them and letting them lick her all over. Anyways long story short… Pat’s buddy had some dogs and well they had puppies!!! I remember going over there all the time to play with them. But this one girl just stuck out… she had a crazy personality! I fell in love with her immediately. From the growling and her bowed legs and to her little butt shaking all around. Yep, I was like melted butter… putty in her arms.  some short few months later, almost all the pups were gone… except her!!! I will never forget the day that my husband let her out of the crate and asked me if I wanted her???? Ahhhhh are you kidding me??? YES PLEASE!!!!!!! Savannah was mine.. not even mine, OURS!

This little girl was the craziest and feistiest little girl. She would run all over and growl.. that was her way of talking to you. I think it scared a lot of people, but she was just saying hi! Every time she would eat, she would grab a mouth full of food, walk all around the house and growl, just dropping little pieces of dog food all over. Then she would plop down and just start eating her food.

Her tail, every time she would wag it and it would hit your leg, it felt like a whip hitting your leg. It hurt, but that’s what she did.

I still remember every time my grandparents came over, she would act like she never got any attention. My grandpa LOVED her!

Savannah was the best dog. She let the kids do whatever they wanted to her. Jr was a baby and he would climb all over her. She slept in the kids beds all the time. Even now, she will still try to get herself up on their beds. She doesn’t make it on her own, but we help her.

These are just a few of the many memories we will have with this baby! Never ever have we had such a connection with a four legged baby.  Life has been beyond amazing to this girl, she has had everything and such a good life. Sadly we will have to say our good byes soon. I don’t want to, I wish she could stay here forever. But she is in pain and it would be selfish of us to let her go on like this. I know that she will watch over us and protect us and be our puppy angel. I know that Lola will be devastated when she is gone. Savannah took care of her like she was one of her puppies. They lay together all the time, they sleep together, they eat together …. ugh :*(

So for now, we spoil Savannah even more and let her eat lots of cheeseburgers and ice cream.. because why not! She’s amazing and she deserves it. She will be greatly missed.

A HUGE thank you to Brittany over at Brittany Gidley Photography for sharing and capturing this day with us. 🙂 You are amazing Brittany!

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Sarah Branaghan Photography

6887 Smith Rd

Middleburg Heights, OH 44130


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